Psikososial untuk Anak di Situasi Gawat Darurat Dengan Permainan Tradisional (en)

Penilaian Diri Terkait Pengetahuan dengan Metode yang Partisipatif (Knowledge Self-Rating through Participative Method)

Researchers from Padjajaran University Faculty of Cultural Sciences collaborated with IBU Foundation in conducting socialization and training on psycho-social services to children by facilitating traditional games through Rumah Pentas. Rumah Pentas is a child-friendly space through traditional games. The basic concept of Rumah Pentas was taken from the Child Friendly Space Program which was developed in the context of the post-disaster and integrated with the use of traditional games.

Praktik Permainan Tradisional di Situasi Paska-bencana, salah satunya dengan Gatrik (Traditional Game Practices in Post-disaster Situation, one of them is with Gatrik)

Participants consisted of several institutions which is involved in disaster management groups / clusters, namely, the Office of Education, Office of Social Affairs, Office of Health, and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD). Participants in the training are expected to be able to deliver the results to each boards and implement the action plan regarding post-disaster management especially for children.

Quoted from the Padjadjaran University’s Website, this activity is one of achievement in Higher Education Applied Research (PTUPT) of the Ministry of Research, Technology, Higher Education in 2019 conducted by three lecturers of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Padjajaran University, Nani Darmayanti, Ph. D, Dr. Dian Ekawati, and Ani Rachmat, Ph.D. This research is a form of cultural and psychological study of effective disaster management and needs to consider the mindset and culture of the community in post-disaster conditions.

IBU Foundation provides a number of dynamic, participatory, and practical training methods, group discussions, galleries, simulations, and role playing. So that participants can easily understand the training session and projection of implementation in the field. Training participants are feel happy and not easily bored in training participation.

The activity, which was implemented for two days from 24 July 2019 to 25 July 2019 at the Horizon Palma Pangandaran Hotel, made a special impression to the participants. “Alhamdullilah (Thank God) with the training that provided like this, it’s threw me back to my childhood memories. Then, we can also know how to do psycho-social for children using traditional games, “said Pak Wawan, one of the training participant from the Office of  Education in Pangandaran District.

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