Palu, 11 December 2019 — IBU Foundation partnered with Lingkar Hijau, WALHI, Friends of Volunteers, Attitude Institute, AWAM Green, KOMIU, LPSHAM AJI Palu City (Alliance of Indonesian Journalist), and HISTORIA Community, in initiating “Asik Minim Plastik” Movement on Wednesday, 11 December 2019, 15.00-21.00 WITA.
The NGO Forum activity “Plastic Reduction Action” with the headline “Asik Minim Plastik” was held in two different places, in Mpanau and Tondo temporary shelter, Sigi District for two days until Thursday, 12 December 2019. Not only music performances, but also there a booth of markets with affordable prices, educational video screenings, coloring activities for children, and the exchange of plastic waste with alternative products to replace plastic.
The “Asik Minim Plastik” movement aims to disseminate information and awareness to the public on the importance of reducing the use of disposable plastics through the 4R concept (reuse, reduce, recycle, and replace products). The concept of low-cost plastic recycle market in this event is expected to change the market image which is always said to be a source of plastic waste in the public. In addition, the wider community also sees that a change can be made. “Asik Minim Plastik” shown the variety of alternative and plastic recycled products from surrounding community groups. The involvement of this community group, as an attempt to spread the message of the importance of waste management, especially plastic waste in households area. Also to improves awareness in the reduction and management of plastic waste, starting from the family, to the wider community in Palu City and Sigi District.
As delivered by the Head of Environmental Office in Sigi District, Afit Lamakarate who suggested that women start carrying their own shopping bag and if tonda (a traditional, hand-crafted bag from Sigi District. Made from Silar Leaf. Tonda can last for a year use) is no longer in demand, it may require innovation for remaking tonda, in the end, it is important to start the movement from our self and at the household level.
In line with what was delivered by Afit Lamakarate, IBU collaborated with fellow NGOs who are members of the “Plastic Reduction Action” Forum hoped that this activity would be useful and could provide education about re-use, reduction, recycling, product replacement, disposable plastic in disaster-affected areas in Mpanau and Tondo temporary shelter.
Lino kita, nTe Pue kana Ra Jagai, Lino Kita nte Pue Ne Rakalingasi
(Nature/village must always be guarded, and don’t forget/turn away from God)