The name is Apri. He is one of the beneficiaries of Kitchen Garden assistance activity in North Sibalaya Village, Central Sulawesi. Even though in disability condition, Apri still works hard and tries to fulfill the needs of his family. He worked as a farm laborer and a building. He is also very enthusiastic about the program implemented by IBU Foundation, Livelihoods Recovery Program.
In November 2019, IBU Foundation implemented training in composting and seeding to 65 beneficiaries in the North Sibalaya Village. The training organized by IBU Foundation was very useful because from the training Apri gained a lot of knowledge including knowing how to plant good seeds and knowing the benefits of using compost.
Apri has not yet made compost fertilizer, because he should work as construction workers to fulfill the needs of his family. However, Apri has implemented the Kitchen Garden by utilizing his yard. In the yard of the house, Apri planted chilies using polybags and neatly arranged them in front of the house.
Apri said that if he and the other beneficiaries were no longer assisted by IBU Foundation, the beneficiary could have done it themself because they already had provisions in composting and seeding assisted by IBU Foundation. The hope is that IBU Foundation program can be sustainable.
The Kitchen Garden Program encourages beneficiary farmers to make use of small yards or gardens to grow vegetables, fruit, and herbs regarding the conditions of limited water for agriculture. In addition to farming, Kitchen Garden is also integrated with raising chickens and goats using the organic farming approach. The Kitchen Garden Program is expected to be a source of food for families and improving income and organic farming skills for beneficiary farmers.