November 20th, 2012
General Situation
Rainy season fell hard at Bandung District Area since early November 2012, and it expected to be continuous until January.
Sunday 18 November 2012, heavy rain in the south Bandung has caused a flashflood of Cingcin Soreang and heavy Landslide in Sadu, Soreang. From 3 days rain flood has been affected in 9 sub districts in Bandung district. The sub districts are Soreang, Cangkuang, Pameumpeuk, Bojong Soang, Dayeuh Kolot, Bale Endah, Kutawaringin, and Katapang.
The Sunday heavy rain were damaging a dam in a small river which heading to Citarum above Soreang resulting sudden increase of water level spread to some residents who were forced to avoid flooding with finding a place or a higher position. This must be done because the water levels reaching two meters so residents there who climbed onto the roof of his house. On the second day after the Sunday hard rain, the level of the water had been decrease. Now the level of water are 30 – 120 cm high in some area. Base on BPBD data approximatelly 4321 house holds or 16414 persons were affected due to this flood.
Flashflood in the area of Cingcin, Soreang near Katapang swept 8 persons and 2 persons were found dead by the SAR team.
The huge landslides in the area Sungapan Sadu village that had been blocking the route from Bandung to Ciwidey had been cleared out. The traffic has been back to normal. In this area the SAR team still continue to evacuate the the victim of the landslide, 2 persons were announce were burried under the landslide (source BPBD).
IBU Foundation sent 4 member of ERT to conduct assessment and assisting the SAR team in victim evacuation in to affected area on Monday, November 19th, 2012.
Attention should be given in those area affected during this rainy season for upcoming flashflood or landslide. Much more attention should be given to the usual flooded area such as Dayeuh Kolot and Bale Endah, due to continous increase water level in Citarum River. BPBD Kab Bandung were reported that approximatelly 18000 population is endangered to be affected by Slow Onset Flood in Baleendah and DayeuhKolot area.
PMI has build the general kitchen services to support the IDPs. Some of the IDPs has been set back home and start to clean up the muds. Some of them still in the IDPs camp, mostly in Dayeuh Kolot sub district and Bale Endah sub district. Random response has been conducted by several groups of people from bandung providing some urgent material especially food. Unfortunately due to unbalance media exposure there is an accumulation in supply in the disaster area specially in Cingcin, Soreang.
The BPBD are still need to be supported in managing the data of disaster and information to provide valid information to the public. It is expected data will continue to grow along with time. The response should be coordinated to avoid overlap of response and continous heavy influx of supply in several area.
Attached Picture 1. are the flood data who were collected by BPBD Kabupaten Bandung. Some data still incomplete which need to be improved

Updated affected population from BPBD Kab. Bandung 20-11-12
Since, heavy rain forecasted to continue until january 2013, IBU Foundation is decide to response to the emergency by asissting the BPBD kabupaten Bandung in Data Management and providing affected population by distributing NFI and possibly psyschosocial, health and water and sanitation program.
IBU team has assessed Pameuntasan village, Kutawaringin sub district, attached picture 2 is updated affected population data per November 20th, 2012 in Pamentasan Village, Kutawaringin Soreang
In Pameuntasan village, Kutawaringin sub district, PMI built communal kitchen that could stand for 4 days (until Friday, November 23th, 2012). Some of NFI (family kits, used clothes, mattras, and baby meals) had been distributed from several individual donor and organization. The NFI distribution considered minimum and not well distributed due to capacity of local comittee.
Need Assessment
The IDPs in general has received enough basic supply, however detailed need assessment to the IDPs location still need to be conducted to find gaps. Today IBU Foundation sent several emergency volunteers to visit the IDPs location and seek further information about the gaps of needs:
Below are gap of basic supply needed by the IDPs:
1. Hygiene Kit for woman and children
2. Blankets
3. Oral Rehydration Salt and purification water
4. Clean water
5. Working tools for cleaning houses
IBU Foundation Appeal
IBU Foundation has decided to support the current and potential affected area in South Bandung. Initial support will be lasted for at least 2 months (November 2012 – January 2013) deploying volunteers and staff to the affected area and distributing NFI and other supports.
We earnestly appeal to individuals, trusts, corporate and funding agencies to donate generously to help the flashflood and landslides affected peoples though IBU Foundation.
We will receive some in-kind donation such as ready to eat food, clothes, hygiene kit etc, to be drop at location below
Warung Kopi Volunteer and Charity Shop
in Jl Srimahi Raya no 33 Bandung, West Java ,
Phone: 62 22 5210415
Donation can be transfer to
Bank Mandiri KCP Bandung BKR
No : 130-00-4647777-7