“This is the second time I have participated in the ToT on Sphere, the first training in 2015 at Cipanas, Bogor City facilitated by The Johanniter and this year is the second,” Sarce said.
IBU Foundation’s Executive Director, Pramaningtyas Sarce Margareth or Sarce had the opportunity to participate in the 2018 Sphere Handbook ToT (Training of Trainer) at the Grand Hotel Kathmandu, Nepal in early February for 5 days. The organizer of the training is DPNet-Nepal or Disaster Preparedness Network- Nepal.
“I’m so glad to get this second opportunity because besides refreshing the knowledge, also networking with the partner, that’s very important,” Sarce added.
Over the last 5 years, the results of the Sphere training by Sarce have been contributed to building a mechanism to improve the capacity of IBU Foundation volunteers since 2015. In addition, the standards listed in the Sphere Handbook are used by Sarce to develop social humanitarian programs implemented by IBU Foundation.
“When we take action in humanitarian, whether we have years of experience or maybe new in the field, our knowledge of the past of humanitarian actions and their development affects the way we contribute to the response. While learning the 2018 Sphere Handbook, I reflected on how we responded to disasters during the past 2 years in Indonesia with partner organizations. I think that we need to improve coordination and advocacy focusing on the needs of people affected by disasters., “she added.
Sarce said that IBU Foundation is on plans to implement sharing sessions with IBU volunteers related to the Sphere Standards so that the contribution of the volunteer in the humanitarian response can be optimal quality and accountable. Of course, these needs cooperate with the IBU’s network from government and non-government.
Let’s wait for the follow up from IBU.