I am a French Student at the University of Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) and I did my internship in IBU Foundation in order to get my Master degree in International Humanitarian Action & NGO.
I have been assigned several tasks from the communication level such as exhibitions to capacity development for the volunteers by conducting training on climate change.
IBU Foundation is not only involved in development programs, it also conducts emergency response. It was the case in 2004 when the tsunami affected Banda Aceh. During my internship, regarding the omnipresence of dense toxic smoke in Sumatra, IBU Foundation decided to launch a rapid assessment in order to evaluate the needs and develop adequate activities.
During these past months, I had the opportunity to see how the organization is functioning and to have an overview of the on-going projects. I had the chance to meet the staff of the different projects such as “sustainable livelihoods” in Subang or “health promotion” in North Sumatra and West Java. I was glad to meet young, dynamic and motivated teams and especially the volunteers who do a great job everyday and without their support the organization would probably not be able to accomplish all of this work.
Christina Pounnouvong.