A Story of Rosani, A Women Heads of Household

“I’m very grateful and thank you for the help that is given by IBU Foundation, it’s very helpful.”

Rosani, a 54 years old woman who leads the household in her family. She is one of the beneficiaries who get assistance from the Kitchen Garden Program in Sibalaya Utara, Sigi District. After losing her husband, she struggles to support the family by herself. Rosani was working as a farmer and had 3 children who already married, 1 daughter and 2 sons.

After the disaster happened, she lost her livelihood. Her house has seriously damaged and evacuates to the emergency shelter which built nearby Sibalaya Utara traditional market. Rosani doing manual labor to get money.

“In the future, I hope that the assistance and the aid for livelihood recovery implemented by IBU Foundation can more develop in order to support the needs of her family,” said Rosani.

Since she affected by the disaster, she has not been in the assistance program from any organization. Since IBU Foundation came to her village, she follows the livelihood recovery program. In mentoring IBU Foundation, she had the opportunity to participate in the compost and farming training in pilot land. She also tells us about the poultry and “Kampung Super” hen that she received in the distribution assistance. She enjoyed consuming the eggs from the hen. The eggs become the source of nutrition for her family. Not only that, the hen that she got from the first phase of the distribution already produce 5 chicks, and from the second distributions has already laid some eggs.

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