Catatan Teluk Kiluan, Lampung


Kiluan Bay, Tanggamus District, Lampung Province is one of the areas affected by the silent Sunda Strait tsunami at the end of 2018. There were 1 dead (4-year-old child) and several other material losses, such as damage to fishing boats and guest house facilities.

Although there was not much damage to community residences, around 4-5 days community were still afraid to live in their houses and chose to evacuate (live) in the shelter at the hilly areas around their residences.

Another impact felt by the community is the lack of tourist visits in Teluk Kiluan, which was very well-known for its maritime potential such as dolphins and whales that often appear in the bay area of this refinery.

“Usually at New Year’s Eve, guest houses are never enough (to accommodate tourists), within they use tents. But this year all guest houses on average are empty, there are no visitors” said Komang, local government in Kiluan Village.

Currently (at 5 January 2019) the situation in Kiluan Bay is relatively in normal condition. The community has started activities as usual as fishing (fishermen). In addition, social-religious activities also began as usual.

The next action is how the local community preparedness (include the management of tourist attractions and tourists) to deal with disaster risk that can occur in their area. From observations and interviews with the surrounding community, there is no standard in early warning system (and can’t be justified) other than information from social media. In addition, there are no evacuation routes and instructions for the community and tourists.

Hopefully the volcanic activity of Mount Anak Krakatau can relieve soon and the livelihood activities of Kiluan’s community become normal, and of course with disaster risk reduction education from all parties because disaster is a history that often recurs.

Kiluan, 5 January 2019

IBU for Lampung Assesment Team

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