Mengembangkan Generasi Penerus yang Sehat Melalui Posyandu (Bilingual)

Indonesia Bhadra Utama Foundation (IBU Foundation) collaborates with HELP E.V to implement health program during the recovery phase after the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Central Sulawesi. One of the activities conducted is building feasible access for disaster-affected people, especially mothers and children related to health services through conducting training on feeding infants and children (PMBA) to Posyandu (Community Health Center) cadres in 10 assisted villages in Sigi District, Central Sulawesi. Training is held to train and recruit Posyandu cadres to become counselors in increasing access to pregnant and lactating women to obtain information and participate in PMBA counseling activities.

Ms. Masita, a Posyandu cadre and one of the training participants shared her story in participating in the training. Mrs. Masita works daily at Posyandu by doing activities that only weigh the child’s weight and didn’t understand many things related to health services at Posyandu. As an impact of the earthquake and tsunami, Ms. Masita and her family were also affected and her activities at Posyandu were disrupted.

Ms. Masita hopes with her participation in training, the community will be healthier by using Posyandu facilities, especially for mothers and children. “Our understanding on how proper breastfeeding is increased and does not have to use formula milk again. So that our country can be more developed. We can apply it to the community, ways to live healthier so that more pregnant women can give birth to healthy future generations”. Posyandu cadre from Bobo Village said that she got many benefits from the participation and assistance provided by IBU Foundation and Help E.V. Ms. Masita said that being a Posyandu cadre is not only weighed but more than that and Ms. Masita had improved on many of knowledge to support the improvement of Posyandu services quality.

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