Yayasan Indonesia Bhadra Utama (IBU Foundation) is focused on development issues which include Health (maternal, adolescent and child newborn health), Livelihood (women and youth empowerment), Nutrition (infant and young child feeding, micronutrient supplementation), Education (early child development, inclusive education, and life skill education), Disaster Risk Reduction (safe school and community-based disaster risk reduction and also Humanitarian Response which include Health (Mother and Children Nutrition Health), Nutrition (infant and young child feeding in emergency, nutrition surveillance and several acute malnutrition), Management mental health psychosocial support, and Waste Management, Sanitation and Hygiene.
IBU Foundation collaborated with Help e.v. from Germany to implement the Plastic Reduction Project in 25 villages in Palu and Sigi. The project goal is to contribute to reducing plastic pollution in disaster-affected areas in Central Sulawesi. The project will be implemented for 18 months from 15th July 2019 to 31st January 2021.
The project concept is divided into four high-level strategies (Adopted from “MODULE 1: Understanding the Social Ecological Model (SEM) and Communication for Development (C4D)” by UNICEF):
- Increasing individual knowledge, attitudes, motivations, self-efficacy, skills building, and behavior change connected with plastic consumptions in the areas.
- Increase collaboration between stakeholders to transform their social systems through utilization of their well-defined needs, demand their rights and participatory process that will provide social changes for a plastic reduction in the areas.
- Working toward the unified partnership between stakeholders and within community levels and creating an environment that will enable the collective efficacy and empowerment within partners and community for the reduction of plastic use in the areas
- Improving Local government capacity in regulation, policies and administrative practices that will regulate the production/distribution/reduction of single-use plastic in the areas.
The project has three outcomes:
- Local Governments issue regulation and policies on regulating production/distribution/reduction of single-use plastic in the areas.
- Business communities and other stakeholders involved in the initiatives to recycle single used plastic and replace single use-plastic with other environmentally friendly products.
- The public in the areas has awareness of the importance of reducing the use of plastic consumption especially the single used plastic (e.g. plastic bag/plastic straw).
The intervention activities will be divided into two major streams, there are:
- Implementation of communication for development strategy and advocacy to reduce the use of Single-use Plastic in a targeted location.
- Establishing Small Business Enterprises that recycle plastic and produce alternative products to single-use plastics.
The beneficiaries covered by this project are consisted of:
To support the project implementation, IBU Foundation hires the Communication Consultant to develop & testing the message and materials that will be used to reach and engage the intended populations. Moreover, these could relate to each of the program objectives and should be created with the participation of key stakeholders, including the partners, community workers, and media experts. The duties will be implemented for a maximum of 6 months period.
The consultant is expected to assist the project team in four areas (Adopted from P-Process, “ Writing a Communication Strategy for Development Programmes: A guideline for Program Managers and Communication Officers, by UNICEF, 2008)
- Audience Analysis: a process used to identify and understand the priority and influencing audiences for a Social Behaviour Change Communication strategy.
- Strategic Design: including communication objectives, channel choice, implementation, and M&E plan. The design will also be based on situation analysis and program analysis that will be provided by the project team of IBU Foundation.
- Development & Testing: including message development and pre-testing
- Implementation & Monitoring: including capacity building.
- Evaluation & Replanting.
Below is a diagram which illustrates the process:
The consultant will be expected to conduct audience analysis whereby it will understand the priority and influencing audiences as those are the people who are behavior must be changed to improve the plastic reduction in the areas.
The Objectives of Audience Analysis
The main objectives of the analysis are (Adapted from “How to do an audience analysis,” by https://www.thecompassforsbc.org/how-to-guides/how-do-audience-analysis ):
- To understand the potential and priority audiences of the program.
- To develop the best communication strategy that will enable the implementation of an intervention program
The secondary objectives will be:
- To identify the potential audience
- To identify priority audience characteristic
- To identify the knowledge, attitude, and practices that will help the success/failure of the program
- To know the barriers and facilitators, this will be divided at a minimum:
- Habit: People are comfortable doing things the same way they have always done them.
- Fear: People expect change to bring negative consequences.
- Negative experience: Some audiences may have had a bad experience, such as with the health care system, and thus may be cynical or resistant to change.
- This section should also include measuring the availability, accessibility, affordability, and acceptability of the product/services that will be provided through the program
- Recommendation for audience segmentation
- Identification of key influencers
- Organize and develop audience profiles
Selection period: 17 – 23 Oct 2019
Consultancy period: 6 months. Within the consultancy period, the consultant is expected to complete the above-mentioned scope of work.
The deliverables and activities deadlines are as follows:
The schedule of payment of the consultancy fee is as follows:
- The consultant will be paid every month and based on the agreed daily rate.
- Other costs for audience analysis will be based on agreed proposal that will be discussed prior the signing of the contract and will be paid on the actual cost
Supervision of the Consultant
The consultant will work under the Project Manager of Plastic Reduction Project in collaboration with the program staff and the Senior Management Team of IBU Foundation.
Project Management
- Conduct communication surveys and analyses to produce, recommend and design effective communication strategies and media uses in accordance with project objectives.
- Reviewing the existing materials to determine whether there are suitable materials already in existence that can be used (or possibly adapted) for the program implementation.
- Support the Project Manager and C4D Specialist to support creative team in developing and implantation of the communication plan.
- Developing the key messages, including the key promise (for example the most important benefit that should be used to convey the message)
- Developing the strategic measures on the use of appropriate materials for campaign and social mobilization (for example: visual aids, TV or radio storyboards or scripts, posters, web sites, leaflets, PowerPoint Presentations, etc.)
- Considering the branding of communication/campaign materials (e.g. create the label or logo, theme song, the ‘4 R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Replace)’s jargon/slogan) to facilitate the project implementation in the areas and with high consideration of local social/cultural context.
- Conducting the test of all messages and other communication materials as prescribed in the agreed communication strategy that is based on the niches of media communication perspectives (e.g. appeal, relevance, comprehension, acceptability, persuasion, and the recall)
- Revising the messages and materials based on the test results and re-test as necessary before finalizing and producing the materials.
- Conducting meetings with media personnel to ensure that the standardized messages have the maximum reach
- Together with the Project team, attending the meetings with the relevant stakeholders to explain any adverse effects or negative circumstances and to assure the overall safety and effectiveness of the project deliverables.
- Developing the Communication Plan & Strategies to support the Project Manager in delivering the project to the intended populations.
- Assist the Project Manager to conduct meetings with the Project Team about the communication analysis result as well as the communication strategies and plan that been developed.
- Measuring the success of a communication strategy by creating and implementing evaluation tools
Coordination & Networking
- To communicate and coordinate with the IBU project team in Central Sulawesi managed by IBU Project Manager.
Other Duties
- To comply with IBU rules, regulations and existing policies, not only limited to organizational regulation, Child Safeguarding Policy, PSEA (Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse), and Feedback Response Mechanism.
- Managing the office environment including developing practical guidance, rules, and ensuring the safety and health principal in the working area.
- Other duties as assigned by IBU Project Manager.
- Bachelor or higher-level degree, preferably in communication, sociology, public health, environmental majoring, or any relevant human services discipline.
- Minimum 5 years of experience in developing communication strategy/plan for community development or DRR project management, preferably in waste/plastic reduction management and or small/medium enterprise projects.
- Excellent on both oral and written communication & organizational skills.
- Demonstrate strong micro-skills on leadership, interpersonal communication, analytical thinking, solving problems, and decision making.
- Excellent written communication in English especially for writing the report
- Having high-level interpersonal and cross-cultural skills, including the ability to build collaborative relationships internally and externally
- Having sensitivity to cultural, ethnic, social and political issues.
- Computer proficiency in general office software (i.e. Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook).
- Being able to travel to program locations and other assigned places
Application process:
Interested candidates should send their CV (no more than 3 pages), Expression of Interest (detailing how candidates will match with the job requirements, max. 2 pages), technical proposal (detailing plan on conducting the consultancy, max. 3 pages) together with the financial proposal (or the consultancy daily rate) and one portfolio of the communication strategy/plan that was led by the applicant (all documents are written in English) to peopledev@ibufoundation.or.id (cc to: fatima.astuti@ibufoundation.or.id) before or by 17 October 2019 (11.30PM).
Every document that is sent, please include the title as follows: CV_Candidate name; Exp of Interest_candidate name; Tech Pro_candidate name; Fin Pro_candidate name and Portfolio_candidate name.
Short-listed candidates will be contacted for the further selection process. Telephone calls and office visits for inquiries are not entertained. They could be the basis for disqualification.