Writer: Alizée Servant
The leadership workshop
IBU Foundation has always put at the heart of its humanitarian and development programs capacity development and participative actions. Did you know that these principles are not only reserved for the beneficiaries? Indeed, learning and sharing is the key of the teamwork within IBU Foundation. Continuous adaptation and assessment are required to keep improving the management practices towards a virtuous leadership and teamwork. Two weeks ago, two events took place at the office site in Palu to implement this vision: the leadership workshop and the induction staff presentation meeting. Here is a short explanation and resume of the objectives and achievements.
Four team leaders gathered on the 10th of July in the office site in Palu to participate in the “Leadership workshop”, organized and facilitated by IBU vice-chairman. The objective of the workshop was to share the several experiences and practices of the participants and to come up with good practices. The team leaders first filled up a quiz, enabling them to review by themselves their practices and management skills. Then, they discussed the most important points. In a second time, the discussion was organized around main topic, among them “conflict resolution”, “maximization of the performance”, “how to shape a team?” and “build trust within the team”. These topics reflect IBU Foundation’s main concerns in staff management area. The participants shared their experiences, anecdotes and difficulties that they had already meet. Finally, they came up with an action plan: a WhatsApp group to keep in touch every day and where they can ask questions and continue to cooperate. The facilitator will send a daily check in and check up to follow the situation within each team and to fix management objectives.
It seems to be a very effective way to share advices and to come up with solutions or recommendations concerning the management of a team. I believe that discussion and brainstorming are very efficient methods to develop the capacities and understanding of the participants, especially when it is about managing persons and understanding other persons’ behaviors, reactions and mindsets. These methods are widespread within IBU Foundation, I have experienced it several times during mu internship at IBU Foundation. Finally, a form of collective knowledge and understanding comes out of this kind of participative meeting. IBU leaders are working hard to insure efficient and great teamwork relationships.
Presentation of the new induction plan
On July 11th morning, the Palu office staff participated in the new induction presentation meeting, facilitated once again by IBU vice-chairman. The meeting aimed to discuss and present the new induction plan for IBU staff. As usual, the atmosphere during the meeting was really unwind and friendly. Ice-breaking activities at the beginning of the meeting contributed to it. Everyone did a short and informal introduction. Indeed, part of the presentation consisted of saying our own favorite food, which is a very popular topic among Indonesians!
What is the new induction plan?
Induction plan is the process used by many NGOs and companies to introduce, welcome and prepare the new employees. It is supposed to help them to integrate quickly and feel at ease in their new role and tasks. Regarding the objective of staff efficient work and well-being, IBU Foundation has created a new induction plan. It consists in 7 thematic blocs: program, human resources, finance and logistic, fraud policy, child protection, safety and security, gender and PSEA (protection against sexual harassment) policy. The regulations and practices within IBU Foundation regarding each topic would be explain to each new employee. Naturally, regarding IBU’s vision and mission and the relationships between IBU staff and the beneficiaries, IBU team members should have exemplary and virtuous mindsets and behaviors. For the staff already on duty, they will be updated, and their knowledge refreshed. Knowing the internal regulations and practices of IBU in all the topic is crucial for the full understanding of each role and post within IBU. Indeed, it helps each member to understand the work of the others and fuel the feeling of togetherness and belonging.