Written by: Yarid Rimba
(WASH Engineer Officer)
In the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Phase of post-disaster in Central Sulawesi, IBU Foundation assisted affected people in Lindu Sub-district, Sigi District through WASH mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction (PELANA KASIH) Program. IBU Foundation is implementing a program in Lindu Sub-district nearby from conservation forest area under the Lore Lindu Conservation National Park.
We also preserve the area (conservation area). Before IBU Foundation implements the program, we had a meeting with the Head of Lore Lindu Conservation National Park office to ask a permit to implement program in the area and presented plans of PELANA KASIH Program in Lindu Sub-district.
IBU Foundation is committed to preserving the environment of the Lore Lindu Conservation National Park area. Some of these commitments are;
a. Taking sand and stones around the area with terms do not reach exceed of the need for in-take construction, water storage tanks, and sanitation facilities
b. Maintain watersheds naturally
c. A river that is used as a source of raw water will not flow all its discharges into the pipeline to maintain the flow of the river.
d. IBU Foundation will communicate with Lore Lindu Conservation National Park Office if there is any specific concern.
We got a good response from Mr. Jusman as the Head of Lore Lindu Conservation National Park Office and it stated in the commitment of cooperation between IBU Foundation and Lore Lindu Conservation National Park.
In the signing of commitment, also attended by Mr. Asmoro as a donor representative from Caritas Switzerland (CaCH) and Inspectorate Field Coordinator from Jakarta.