Sigi District is one of the Central Sulawesi Province area that was affected by the earthquake on 28 September 2018. As for the impact of the natural disaster, several houses were damaged and people’s livelihoods were disrupted. Therefore, IBU Foundation is implementing a post-disaster livelihood recovery program.

One of the goals in implementing this livelihood recovery program is to improve the welfare of families in the few areas in Central Sulawesi Province. One of them is in Beka Village. Beka Village is an assisted area of IBU Foundation located in Marawola Sub-District, Sigi District. Beka Village formed a women’s business group called “Mombine Ranjuri” taken from the local language of the Kaili Tribe, Central Sulawesi. “Mombine” means woman while “Ranjuri” is an ancient tree located in the Beka Forest and is a characteristic of the Beka Village. The name is agreed upon by members of the business group itself. There are 24 members of this business group. Mombine Ranjuri has a business focus on processing coconut oil and home industry food.
IBU Foundation assisted business groups to obtain their product licenses such as PIRT (Household Industry Food), BPOM (Indonesia National Agency of Drug and Food Control), and halal certification so the promotion of business group products can compete in markets in the Central Sulawesi. In the future, the business group can be independent in producing and marketing without the assistance of IBU Foundation and scaling up products in order to increase resources especially women in Beka Village.
IBU Foundation will also empower business groups and increase income in the family environment, especially women. Empowerment for these women’s business groups is also to foster and increase the interests, enthusiasm, friendship, and skills of members in the creative economy business.