Mutual Learning and Sharing Experiences (en)

Written by: Alizée Servant

I have been an intern at IBU Foundation from the 1st of July until the 9th of August 2019. Even if it is quite short, I have learned and experienced many things. Indeed, I have first leaned how IBU Foundation is working in detail, in the headquarters and in the site office in Palu, from the theory to the field and the practice. I have been introduced to the different regulations, organizational and communication plans, evaluation and monitoring tools. Now, I know quite well how everything is working inside IBU Foundation, from the program development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation to the communication.

I have first contributed to the development of the English content of the website and communication materials. It has also been a way to improve my Indonesian skills, as well as the daily conversation with IBU staff, especially in the headquarters. These translations have brought me a deep insight into the several experiences of the beneficiaries and IBU staff.

I had also a great opportunity to visit the office site in Palu. Meeting the staff there, the different partners and assisting to several meetings and workshops were really enthusiastic. Thanks to that, I have acquired a deep understanding of the work in the field, and sometimes the difficulties that could be met during the project implementation, as well as the reality of the NGO’s work and collaboration through several meetings with the partners. It was a very enriching experience. After my visit to Palu, I have contributed to reviewing the assessment and final report from two different team projects. It had deepened my understanding of the project I have observed there.

My internship has also been a challenge for me. Indeed, since I am interested in program development and implementation, I have been asked to write a concept note for a new project tackling climate change issues and climate change-induced disasters. I had free rein to create a project, that was both existing and challenging! After a few days of working hard, I finished the concept note, that has been reviewed and reshaped by the executive director. She used my ideas and researched to do the final concept note, which will be sent to the donors. It was very enriching to develop it and share it. It was not perfect, but I have learned a lot from my research, my work and several reviews. Working on program development was really enthusiastic and rewarding, as well as a very enriching experience. Indeed, it had reinforced my will to work later, after I finish my master’s degree, in program management in NGOs.

Overall, I have learned and experienced a lot inside IBU Foundation. The staff, especially in the headquarters have always supported me in my tasks and answered all my questions – quite a lot sometimes. I feel thankful for the opportunities, the trust and the support they gave me. Indeed, the internship has been based on mutual learning and sharing experiences: they were always asking for my opinion, my ideas and my remarks, so I felt part of the team – that is not the case in every internship. Thanks to this kindly listening I have gained confidence in myself and my capacities.

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