[Update] Situation Report Flood and Landslide Disaster, Bandung District (English)


General Situation
Since Sunday 18 November 2012, heavy rain in the south Bandung still continues to fall in the area until now which cause increased water level in Citarum River which cause flood in several subdistricts, flashflood in Cingcin Soreang and Landlside in Sadu Soreang.

The residents in Soreang affected by the flashflood on Sunday 18 November has tried to clean their houses, although most of them still displaced at the mosque near the affected area. The landslide which block the Bandung Ciwidey Route has been clear out, although risk of following landslide still very high due to unstable landscape and continuous rain, the victims who were reported buried still not found yet. Several area in sub districts such Cangkuang, Kutawaringin, Katapang Bojongsoang, Dayeuhkolot also were reported affected by flood.

Coordination Meeting
First coordination meeting were held today in BPBD Kabupaten bandung with some organization who responded to the flood. IBU Foundation, IOM and Plan international were some organization who were attended the meeting.

The coordination meeting recommended several actions to be taken. Joint Assessment should be conducted to update the affected population needs. Coordination meeting will be conducted everyday around 6 Pm in BPBD Office. There is also identified to update and improve the quality of data. Such as segregating the affected population by gender and age.

Need Assessment and Response
Since Sunday 18 November 2012, IBU Foundation has sent 4 ERT member, to conduct assessment and response to the flood and landslide in Bandung. One person who also act as team leader, Dadan Mulyana, is coordinating the team while also assisting the BPBD Kabupaten Bandung office in data management. 1 member of IBU ERT is working with the BPBD staff and SAR team to assist the victim evacuation, which still not found from the landslide. Other member were conducting continuous assessment in the area of Kutawaringin, CPI, dayeuhkolot and Baleendah to validate data as well as finding gaps of response

Below are the updated data in BPBD Kabupaten Bandung, dated 21 November 2012:

Data 21 Nov 2012Food and Non Food Items
In the general the need for food and non food items is considered good, in fact, large influx of supply were observed occurred in CPI, Soreang this possible because this area is highly exposed by media including social media. However some gaps were detected such as family hygiene kits, working tools to clean houses and school kits for children to go back to school.

Health Situation
Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bandung is instructing the Puskesmas to conduct mobile clinic in the area affected by the flood. Others organization identified assisted the puskesmas staff in conducting the mobile clinics

Water and Sanitation
In general the affected population does not have problems accessing water supply because the PDAM pipelines were not affected. PMI also provide water trucking to some affected areas such as Pamentasan Villages.

IBU Foundation feels that it is needed to conduct psychosocial assessment to some worse affected areas such as CPI or Pamentasan, village accompanied by providing psychosocial first aid services.

Most of the schools are open, except SDN Ciseah in Pamentasan is closed because most of the student were affected and does not have uniform and school kits.

The affected population especially school children are required uniform and school kits so they can start to go to school.

Evacuation for buried victims from the Landslide
The victims who were reported buried by the landslide in Sadu, Soreang still not found. The evacuation still continue but sometime have to be stopped due to the rain which is increasing the risk of followed landslide. The BPBD has decided to continue the evacuation for the victims at least until Sunday, 25 November 2012. There is possibility that the victim were not buried but were swept by the river at the edge of landlside, because eventhough the SAR team has dig quite deep the victims still not found yet.

IBU Foundation volunteers who were previously involved and lead the evacuation were handed over the responsibility to the BPBD staff. The SAR and the Army from PASKHAS will continue the evacuation

IBU Foundation identified that there are area near the landslide who has high risk affected by landslide such as Kampung Patrol and Kampung Sirna Jati in Desa Sadu. Other area such desa CIlame, subdistrict of Kutawaringin also consider have high risk. IBU Foundation plan is to mobilize resources to assist those community in disaster risk reduction, at least for developing contingency planning.

Health Post in CPI, provided by Puskesmas Soreang

Detail Situation Report in some worse affected areas.
Situation in Pamentasan Village, Kutawaringin

– Affected population data were validated and represented in the table above.

– Biofarma is providing health services lasting for three days, up until Friday, 23 November 2012 and opened from 8 am to 5 pm, coordinated with the responsible puskesmas in the area.

– Supply of Food and Non Food items were received by Posko Desa and Posko Baraya Bandung who distributed to the supply to the community. However it is identified that some of the supply were not well distributed yet.

– Food such as rice, Indomie and mineral water were piled up in the posko ready for distribution. There is also huge piles of clothes in the Posko.

– Rotary who were coordinated with IBU Foundation were distributed non food items such as Pampers, Undewear, and hygiene kits to the affected population today.

Situation CPI, Soreang
Huge influx of supply were identified in this area mostly clothes and Noodles. There is lack of specific supply such as family hygiene kits or other specific needs such as school kit for the children

Mobile clinic were provided by Puskesmas Soreang for 7 days. However the Puskemas soreang ask to get personnel support for rotation to provide the services.

Situation in Balendah and Dayeuhkolot
In general there is lack of response to this area compare with other affected areas. It is possible because this is a usual flooded area. The displaced residents who were previously resided in GOR Baleendah and Kwarcab , has gone back to their houses to clean the muds which were brought by the flood.

The affected community said they need some supply for hygiene kits and working tools or just personel support to help them clean their houses.

FKPA, a local organization were establishing posko in this area, assisting the community with random services.

Short Term Plan (1-2 weeks)
– IBU Foundation will mobilize resources to continue the response to the flood disaster.
– IBU will continue assisting BPBD in data management to improve the quality of data.- IBU Foundation will also coordinate with some medical groups such as Atlas Medical Pioneer, FK-UNPAD Alumni to support the Puskesmas in conducting mobile clinics.
– IBU Foundation identified that there is need to distribute hygiene kits accompanied by health promotion activities. There is also need to distribute School Kits to schoolchildren so they can start to go to school again.
– IBU Foundation also will plan to mobilize volunteers coordinating with some local groups such as member of outdoors groups in Bandung to assist the community in cleaning their houses. Working tools were needed to support these activities.
– IBU Foundation will mobilize psychosocial volunteers to conduct assessment and support to the affected population.

Medium Term Plan (1-3 Months)
IBU Foundation identified that there is a need to assist the community in some disaster risk reduction activities especially in the area near the landslide area. We are planning to replicate some of our activities in community based disaster risk reduction especially focusing on contingency planning.

Long term Plan (3-12 months)
As full community based disaster risk reduction is needed to be implemented the area with identified risk from the landslide and flood.

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