Hasten what you want to do for today, tomorrow, and so on.
Keken Widayana, 19 years old, came from Caracas I Hamlet, Caracas Village, Kalijati Sub-District, Subang District, West Java Province. This young man, who has a hobby of volleyball and soccer, still lives with his parents and four siblings in a house located on the side of an alley/village road. Keken is a graduate of Madrasah Aliyah (high school level) and has a daily activity helping his parents to make a homemade cassava chip and selling crispy bananas by around his area.

In early 2019, Keken who joined the “Papatong Speed” group (the name of a group of youth in the hamlet of Caracas I) got information from the youth leaders there about the Employability Skill Program for youth implemented by Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik and IBU Foundation. At that time, Keken decided to join the program in hopes of gaining insight, new knowledge, and improving self-confidence. Keken was a very shy person and did not have the confidence to do public speaking. After participated in Soft Skills and Entrepreneurship Training, Keken feels very confident and has the courage to present an event such as a birthday party or wedding in his area where he lived. Through this Employability Skill Program, Keken is able to recognize himself. Keken knew the potential that exists in him and the confident improved, especially public speaking. Keken has also been called by his school to provide motivation regarding entrepreneurship to his juniors.
Keken feels more disciplined in managing time and responsibility for the tasks that are carried out after participated in Employability Skill Program. Keken convinced that his life orientation at the moment not as a regular worker. Keken has gained additional knowledge about entrepreneurship to improving the quality of his crispy banana business and earns money to fulfill his daily needs. Keken has also been able to save the money from selling these crispy bananas for developing his business. This year, Keken has a desired and prepared to open a crispy banana shop. But his younger brother who was still in school needed a motorbike for transportation to school, then Keken had to postpone his dream because he prioritized to pay motorcycle installments for his younger brother.
Keken became one of the pioneers of the Papatong Chips business run by his fellows in the “Papatong Speed” business group. Currently, 6 of his fellow alumni of the Employability Skill Program to run a business in making cassava chips that are innovated with a variety of flavors. The business has been running for 3 months and has several resellers in the Subang and Cikarang Districts.
Free Yourself from the Three Obstacles; Fear, Too High Expectation, and Over-Thinking

Let’s meet Nengsih, a girl who has just got married at the age of 20. Nengsih came from Sudi Mampir Hamlet, Kaliangsana Village, Kalijati Sub-District, Subang District. Nengsih has finished high school and currently lives with her parents in very close to the Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road. After finished her education, Nengsih decided to work in a factory in Subang City, but working in a factory was apparently not her passion and can not stand off the work. Nengsih decided to quit the job. And then, Nengsih helped her mother’s business to sell homemade meals to her local’s area.
Until the end of 2018, Nengsih received information from the youth organization of Kaliangsana Village regarding the Employability Skill Program for youth which implemented by IBU Foundation and Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik. Nengsih joined the program in hopes of gaining new knowledge and insights related to soft skills and entrepreneurship. After participated in the training, Nengsih realized that the most potential that could be developed from within her is cooking skills. She is also confident that her passion can be gain her income. Nengsih encouraged to developing a culinary business that was being run with her mother. At present, Nengsih has been able to developed a restaurant and no longer goes around to locals for selling homemade meals, because Nengsih already has a reseller.
Nengsih has tips: “Free yourself from three obstacles; fear, too high expectation, and overthinking “. First, be a confident person, don’t be someone who gives up easily. If there is an opportunity, just take it, don’t over thinking of the risk. Second, don’t expect too much from a comfort zone, because every business has a risk of failure, it cannot be immediately successful because success requires a long process. Third, thinking is a must but also free our mind from complicated things. Be simple-minded, because it would be easier for us to find solutions.