Bangga’s Youth

Penulis/Written by: Dini Zakia (Komjep Officer Site Palu)

Elsa (rambut pendek) ikut dalam pelatihan Rumah Kencana (Elsa, the short hair one, participated in Rumah Kencana Training)

Dear friends, do you still remember the earthquake that struck the people of Central Sulawesi?

Many people were affected, including Aldi (M, 22 years old) and Elsa (F, 19 years old). Aldi and Elsa are youth who live in Bangga Village, Dolo Selatan Sub-District, Sigi District. They were born and raised in the hamlet 2 of Bangga Village.

After the earthquake, a lot of aid came from various humanitarian agencies to their village, such as food supplies, shelters, water supplies, clothing, to emergency family kits. Includes psychosocial assistance from IBU Foundation. When the distribution of aid, Aldi took the initiative to help the distribution to people of hamlet 2, while Elsa was playing with children in the emergency shelter. That’s where we (IBU) first knew them. It did not take long to get Aldi and Elsa interested in joining and being involved with us in psychosocial support that was implemented from mid-October 2018 to March 2019. They were willing to join as local volunteers for their villages. The first activity is child-friendly space psychosocial support training. Aldi shows his ability to sing a traditional “Kaili” song, while Elsa just smiles a lot. The training lasted for four days, on the last day, they made an action plan for the activities to be implemented in their village.

A week after training, hamlet 2 of Bangga Village was flooded impacted by Ore River. River water overflowed along mixed with sand from the surrounding mountains. Instantly the houses nearby that have survived since the earthquake was submerged in sand reached up to half of the wall. Needs in emergency shelters increased. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

Aldi and Elsa took the initiative to asses emergency needs for the people of hamlet 2, they contacted us and asked for help with the distribution. Information on the number of households and support based on priorities were identified by them together with their peers in hamlet two. Elsa accompanies many with educational games, while Aldi accompanies them to sing while playing the guitar with children.
In order to cope with their vulnerability, Aldi and Elsa took the initiative to persuade children to do art activities, role-playing. They acted about how the floods hit them, at the end of the role play, they closed the session by singing their own songs with lyrics depicting the flood of the Ore river, some children seen crying.

Acara penutupan program pendampingan (Closing event of assistance program)

When the assistance program from IBU and Caritas Switzerland nears its end, in each of the assisted villages a lesson learned event is held. There are stage, carnivals, and local craft stands. In Bangga, A drama about the flood was performed, children appeared complete with costumes. Aldi and Elsa became the steering committee. Aldi was busy arranging music, Elsa became a presenter of the event with cheerfully, her shy attitude disappeared. The performance went well, closed with singing performance. There were still children crying, but the crying was part of the drama because after the event they laughed cheerfully, happy to be on stage after all that happened.

Floods still happen if it heavy rains, the sand piled up community houses and almost reached the roof, but the singing can gradually strengthen them.

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