Strengthening Partners’ Protection Against Sexual Abuse and Exploitation through Protection Mainstreaming (SP-PSEA)

IBU Foundation is one of the partners of Strengthening Partner Capacity in Protection from Violence and Sexual Exploitation (PSEA, Protection Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) Program carried out by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) which has cooperated with USAID-OFDA. Through the SP-PSEA program, capacity building support is given to 30 local/national organizations in Indonesia, Haiti, and Philippine to be able to conduct policies, systems, and structures for the purpose of preventing and handling sexual violence and exploitation (SE) issues in their organizations and communities/beneficiaries of the program from the organization. The series of program activities will be carried out for 2 years.


IBU took part in the PSEA workshop (Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) as the beginning of a series of program activities aims to sensitize the partners (including the senior management and the focal points) to PSEA as well as secure their commitment in the project. The workshop is held on 25 – 28 February 2019.

Furthermore, IBU participated in the Training on Feedback and Response Mechanism (FRM) Training for partners. FRM is one of the main components in ensuring the implementation of procedures related to PSEA Program. A good FRM will be a crucial procedure that can encourage the community to submit complaints and inputs regarding Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and its risks in the affected community so that humanitarian workers in the field can adequately handle SEA cases.

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