On Monday-Tuesday, 11-12 November 2019 is the 4th year of IBU Foundation in collaboration with the Cimahi City Regional Planning and Development Agency in implementing of Cimahi City Development Planning Cadre Training. The training carried out at Cimahi Techno Park and was attended by participants from various backgrounds and experiences spread across 15 urban communities from 3 sub-districts in Cimahi. There are new participants and some have participated in training four times in a row. The experience of attending and facilitating community consultation and development planning meetings (musrenbang) also varies. This diversity enriches the training process, so learning does not only focus on class facilitators or group facilitators, but also sharing information, knowledge, and experiences between participants.
Through demonstration (modeling) and simulation (role play) methods, participants are invited to undergo the process of community consultation and musrenbang, both by acting as community and acting as a team of facilitators. They are quite enthusiastic about carrying out their respective roles. Starting with gather various inputs from the community, then proceeding to determine the scale of priorities based on urgent needs and the number of people affected, making a scale of priorities, determining the potential of the owned and institutions involved, to budgeting based on the priority of inputs that have been made. The gathered of inputs is done through written media, so that all citizens can be involved in delivering inputs. Various visual media are also used to simplify the discussion process. In addition to deepening their knowledge and skills in facilitating priority scaling, potential maps, institutional analysis, and budgeting, participants were also equipped with knowledge on a variety of sensitive issues, including those related to disabilities, child protection, and gender equality.
As stated by the cadres, facilitating the city development and planning is not easy. Often, communities have not been able to the difference between needs and desires for their urban communities’ development. The characteristics of communities in each area are different. Their role is to educate and sort out which ones are needs so that they need to be prioritized, through a facilitation process that continues to adapt to characteristics in various regions.