My name is Aisha Nadhira. My current activity as a student at Padjajaran University, Psychology Major, as well as the 2014 IBU Foundation Volunteer.
First time I know IBU was in February 2013. One of my lecturers invited me and my colleague to visit this institution. At that time, HQ IBU was still located in Buah Batu area. At that time, I hadn’t thought about doing any volunteering activities. But as more often I visited the HQ IBU, which initially only became a visit that contained casually chats, then slowly my colleague and I began to invited participate even only a little help. At that time, the first thing I was to help the packaging hygiene kit that would be sent to Subang. Starting from that event, I began to often invited to participate in several activities at IBU.
In 2013, the activities I participated in were related to disaster relief in Sinabung. The activity that I do is to help sell items that are mostly clothes, which are obtained from the Singing Toilet event, where the proceeds from the sale of these items will be distributed for Sinabung donations. For about a month and a half, I invited my friends to participate in the activity was finally called this garage sale. This garage sale event was held in Jatinangor. After completing the garage sale event, there not many routine activities that I did at IBU Foundation in 2013. Until mid-2014, I was participated by the Coordinator of the KomJep and was told that would be a series of Capacity Development activities for those interested in becoming a Volunteer IBU Foundation. I decided to take in contribution because I personally felt I was still curious about the concept of volunteering.
During this training process, I gained a lot of new knowledge ranging from knowledge to knowing myself, knowledge about the disaster, knowledge about organizational management. When it comes to disasters, I more aware of procedures that must be conducted in the event of a disaster, such as having to conduct an assessment before providing assistance in any form. In addition to gaining a lot of new knowledge, I also feel got new friends, namely volunteer class 1 colleagues. I feel the presence and support of class 1 friends kept me excited and managed through almost every session of the existing Capacity Development, because every time someone is absent, we will certainly remind each other and ask how their condition.
The most memorable learning process for me when I learned project management. This session made me learn a lot about how to think logically about various things to consider when making a program. In addition, the amount of knowledge gained, this session I also felt that was getting closer and getting to know my class of 2014 friends due to the amount of time and challenges faced together to create a log frame.